February 2020
I love you and I know so many of you are feeling this teetering of the scales and working so hard to stay in balance when our beloved world is wobbling perilously and seems so precariously out of control. I would love to hear your true fears and your true faith. Please share them below. Let's create a faith wave and n shine some light together as on.
I am not scared of dying, I am scared of living in a world that is dying.
I am scared that this world that I love is no longer safe, no longer a place where I can travel, discover new inspiring sights, beautiful people, acts of human kindness, children in the street who smile with big open hearts, and yet I know the way we live is no longer viable and it has to change.
I am scared that I have called for this change for so long, that it has not changed enough and that that change is too painful. And yet I know that this change must go forward, that this is the death and the birth and birth is messy and it hurts. I have birthed two children and I know. I know, and it is scary, that this birth is the death-throes of the old and the old has become a monster that is fighting for its mean ugly, life and I am scared this mean, ugly monster will not die. I am scared it will not give up and yet I know that light, that love, is stronger and the more I find it in me the less that mean ugly monster can be.
I am scared I will not always be able to love what I see and that I will not always be able to find enough love inside me. I know I must keep bringing it back to me, finding more love inside me, more faith on which to lean.
I am scared that faith is not always easy to find, yet I know it is always inside me, and faith is blind. F A I T H – Falter And It Takes Hold. Faith knows The Divine. I know that Faith is all we need and we must find that inside. Faith does not depend upon the world to change. Faith is not secure in words written in stone or a situation already known. That is not how faith works. No, faith is when all the chips are down, when all is not well or it seems that all is lost, when hope is nowhere to be found and charity does not abound. When we know not where to go or how to go on, when we are broken to our knees head bowed to the ground, that is where faith is to be found.
I am not scared of being alone. I am scared that we will all be house-bound, that from loved ones on the other side of the world we will be kept apart, that I will not see my loved ones again. The people I love, the places I love, these I am scared of losing. And yet I know that this is the collective karma that has to be faced, for although I have gone through long painful separations and isolations, many, very very many have gone through so much more. And I know when I do what is right I am in divine right order, that my loved ones are where they need to be, and so must I be, and I must keep faith.
I know we came here for this. In that I have faith.
I know the world needs this – in that I have faith. I know we have to go through this. I know we must now birth a new world where love and faith are what bind us.
I am scared that so many think spirituality, higher power, faith, The Divine is not practical, yet I know, I have full faith, that is the only true reality.
And yet I am scared because the heart hurts. I’m scared that people do not realise what is happening here.
Sometimes I’m scared that this crazed dystopian mania has too strong a hold and that we are doomed, not to death, but to world in darkness.
I am scared of a world of vaccinations and micro-chips that track and can modify our state of heart and mind, and toxic leaden skies that block out the light and rain down chemicals, heavy metals and disease that dumb us down and make us sick, and frequency waves that fry our brains and our bodies because people are addicted to technology and have forgotten that we have done all this before and this time we have a chance to re-define who we are, and how we want to live and how we can re-create our world in one where the sky is deep azure and sparkles that glitter like thousands of tiny fairy lights fill the air. Have you seen those? I have. I see them many times. Even when this chemical metal sky is almost black and pressing onto the roof-tops and I feel like I want to die, I have seen them. They are a higher frequency. When we raise our vibration to that frequency they are there. So I have faith.
I have faith that the light is always there – we just have to focus every ounce of our attention on it. This is what our mind-fullness should be.
I have faith that the love is always there for I have known it in me when I cannot feel it out there.
I have faith that The Divine is always with me, for even when I am not feeling it, if I am still and pray it speaks to me, or sends me a sign and reminds me that I, my loved ones, the world, we are all where we need to be, that The Divine is in you, in me.
I have faith that you will not die because I have seen, I have experienced, eternal life. I have faith that your soul, your divine spirit, will always survive. And I have faith we will meet again when the time is right.
I have faith that we only leave this life when our time is up, when we have faced every lesson and learnt, or not, as much as we are going to, when we have healed our souls as much as we can and cleared the thick tar of the karma that binds us to a past that should no longer be running our lives and recycled.
I have faith that karma will prevail because it is the unavoidable law of our world and it knows what we must do, where we must go, what we have been and who we are here to be.
I have faith that we are creating our reality. That our feelings, our consciousness, our Dna are determining the course of our lives and that if we wake up to the true light that is there for all to see we will overcome this darkness and live to create a more beautiful world that lives in oneness and harmony.
I have faith that that is the only sustainable future and that we are the sparkles of light that can make that our reality.
I have faith that these sparkles of light ignite in our souls and our cells as we let The Divine fully shine in our reality, and these sparkles multiply, grow and coalesce, becoming the pillars of light that anchor and ground the new reality.
And when my faith falters and the pillar of light That I Am is vulnerable, I simplify. I come back to the spark. The spark is always there, somewhere. In the heart, or the mind, or the soul, or a foot, or a hand or a sign. I reach out with my spark and touch the heart, the hand, the spark of another and the alchemy of that spark kindles the flame in my heart or another reaches out to me.
We all have that spark, even when we can’t see it, feel it, don’t know it. It is there. So I/we must pray for that spark. That spark is the emblem of our humanity.
From that spark in me, I love that spark in you. May our hands touch and our hearts kindle and ignite that spark into a flame that is a beacon of light for humanity to cross the bridge into a new era of light.
With so much love, Swan A.Montague

Stunning statue by Paige Bradly called Expansion - so evocatively captures the essence of our time.