Sacred By Swan

Dr. Swan

Author of Amazon best-seller The Book of Sahra, Jesus' Secret Wife, Swan was given 3 months to live 20 years ago when master healer/teacher Yeshua appeared at her death-bed and instructed her to break open seals on realms of secret knowledge.

When 20 years ago Swan was given 3 months to live with a fatal health condition, she told the doctors it was between herself and God, discharged herself from hospital and went into seclusion to amplify her self-healing. Whilst on her deathbed she experienced a series of visitations and visionary appearances from Jesus. Thereafter she spent nearly 12 years in almost total seclusion whilst learning sacred knowledge and healing from Master Yeshua (as Jesus was known), writing the Book of Sahra quartet (under the nom-de-plume Sahra Renata). During those years in sacred communion with the Great Master Yeshua, He revealed to Swan ancient secrets that had been hidden, locked behind seals for thousands of years, until it was time. Yeshua, with Mother Mary, guided her to fulfil her sacred contract to be initiated and illumined by the Ascended Masters and she now brings these illuminations from the Divine Realm to the world.
Swan is also author of a book of mystical poetry, "Caviar for the Soul" and has presented, worked with and mentored many leading international thought-leaders and celebrities, such as: Prof. Ervin Laszlo, Dr. Eben Alexander, Dr. Raymond Moody, Lynne McTaggart, Dr. Jude Currivan, Dr. David Hawkins, Michael Beckwith (Agape Church, Los Angeles), Steven Sadleir (Self-Realisation Institute). She was mentor to Jeff Slayter and prepared Kane Minkus and Jeff Slayter, (Industry Rockstar Directors) to share the stage with Bob Proctor (The Secret), John de Martini, T. Harv Ekker, John De Martini and Sir Richard Branson, and has taught, healed or presented with Sinead O’Connor, Deva Premal & Miten, Craig Pruess & Jill Purce. She is a medical diviner, with the gifted ability to read underlying causative issues of disease and life challenges thereby creating lasting healing and transformation of physical imbalances as well as spiritual, emotional and mental disturbances.
As a messenger from the Divine Realm and a Cosmic Rebirther/Divine Feminine Midwife, Swan realigns individuals, groups and the planet to the new Divine Feminine energies and consciousness, clearing and healing karma to move beyond limitations and control and create a harmonious new paradigm of sacred and conscious living - The Sacred World Renaissance. She is one of the world's leading experts on karma, understanding its role at the centre of everything, how it plays out and how to heal and clear it.
Swan has an M.A. in Spiritual Philosophy and a Ph.D. in Metaphysics and The Healing Arts from an American Inter-faith Seminary and is Senior Advisor on the Consciousness & Spirituality Faculty of NewEarth University. She can move energy and navigate dimensions and realms that others cannot reach, far beyond the bounds of this world.
As a psychic and highly attuned cosmologist, mentor and healer she trains healers and practitioners, teachers groups and is the go-to person for physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and energetic problems when all else has failed or continued to disappoint. She conveys messages from The Divine Goddess and Yeshua whilst aligning, clearing, healing and transforming creating potent change and lasting results.
Swan is known for her passionate presentations bringing knowledge of sacred truths back to general awareness, revealing the fundamental role of reincarnation and karma in this radically evolutionary cycle through which we, humanity, the planet as a whole and the entire solar system are now transitioning. She is a powerful guide and ambasadress of the Divine Realm, canvassing for the essential and inevitable Sacred World Renaissance.
She has lived, taught and spoken at seminars and events in the U.K., Scotland, Belgium, Greece, France, Italy, Spain, Hong Kong, Bali, Mexico, Norway, the U.S.A. and Australia and speaks French and Spanish and fluent Italian.
Swan is former UK President of The Club of Budapest of which she is also an honorary Creative Member. She has also worked closely with Prof. Ervin Laszlo who says of her "Swan is one of the most remarkable spiritual leaders I have ever met." Native American elders say "Dr. Swan brings the radical and powerful healing medicine that is necessary at this time, calling her Thunder and Lightning Medicine Woman'." People reach out to Dr. Swan from all over the world for her teachings and life-changing self-healing and transformational emanations. Mexican and North American elders have given her several honorary names: including Maia Christos, Maia Starwalker as well as Night White Swan.
In 2020 Dr. Swan launched The Thousand Suns Lotus, complete quantum self-healing system. Those who have already experienced this are saying "this is the most powerful and advanced healing system on the planet today. It created a complete reality shift." They feel "feel clearer, more spacious and light, more expansive and illuminated with a sense of wellbeing as though an inner sun, is radiating out joy. Feelings of bliss and harmony and oneness arise."
Current projects include a screenplay treatment (with Hollywood producer Bonnie Solomon) and novel based on Swan's experiences with Yeshua and the secret story of Jesus' Secret Wife and a non-fictional book revealing the deeper understanding of the intensely demanding transitions humanity is currently undergoing.
Excerpts from her spiritual thesis, "Christ Consciousness and Its Relevance In This Day and Age," and Metaphysics and The Healing Arts, "The Spirit of Dis-Ease" are available as (free) e-books.