Sacred By Swan

As part of the Sacred World Renaissance, I support and endorse endeavours that enhance our bodies and our world, healthfully, upliftingly, nourishingly, that create and inspire beauty and harmony.
Our bodies and systems are literally bombarded by toxins and chemicals from our sky, earth, water and contaminated food chain. Whilst we can do much energetically to transmute the effects of these our cells need all the support they can get.
I make it part of my mission to be up to date with the latest and best health products I can find that support our wellbeing, juiciness and abundance through the ascension process. Helping our cells helps our souls and vice versa. This is a symbiotic dynamic. Nothing exists in the physical that does not already exist in our subconscious or unconscious, and our subtle bodies (mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic bodies).
To this end I am affiliated with and/or endorse these products and organisations for physical and metaphysical health and wellbeing.
Some of these offer opportunities to join the business systems and earn a share of the business.
Dr. Swan's programmes now available on bio-feedback.
Dr. Swan has created a series of libraries comprising her 30+ years of unique advanced metaphysical teachings that are now available as bio-resonance biofeedback programmes.
For the first time you can now access a quantum accelerated version of all Dr. Swan’s teachings, bio-feedback bio-resonance frequencies which will literally programme and recalibrate all levels of your being, raising your levels of consciousness, awareness, embodiment and well-being exponentially. All the hard work you have painstakingly undergone in order to evolve, can now be enhanced and evolved exponentially using this system to re-vibrate all levels of your existence. Frequencies can be sent all the time subliminally, healing clearing and protecting you and your environment, even during the night.
The beauty of this app is it works offline, so your phone or tablet can be on airport and the programmes running on silent whatever you are doing.
As electro-magnetic beings, we are pulsing and vibrating from all levels of our consciousness and being impulsed by the electromagnetic frequencies of others around us and the energy of our world.
Everything is frequency including our bodies, mind, spirit, art and music. Quantum Biofeedback is a form of frequencies which interpret the body's language of electrical energetic frequency. Based on quantum physics and fractal mathematics, this technology reveals the "stressors" in the energetic field, affecting your physical health at both conscious and subconscious level.
This app reads the frequencies you are emitting and re-programmes them to a higher vibrational level of emotional physical spiritual mental and energetic health. It is an advanced bio-resonance quantum physics bio-feedback app.
Quantum physics is the frequencies of energy and how it aspects our everyday life, health, wellbeing and happiness. The mind and body are entrained to healthier patterns allowing balance towards homeostasis, in the form of harmonising frequencies.
With this Quantum Biofeedback app you can exponentially increase your health and wellbeing, raise your conscious awareness, work on ascension and protect yourself against the myriad of environmental pollutants and electro-magnetic impulses that are extremely negative, prevalent and invasive at this time of massive collective purging.
To assist humanity in navigating the incredibly intense energetic challenges of our time Dr. Swan is giving away two essential libraries that are indispensable and invaluable in the face of the karmic fall-out that is all-pervasive and highly pernicious:
✓ Vacc Attack
(The injections are loaded with highly noxious substances, parasites, bio-weapons and graphene oxide which literally turn the vaccinated person into a walking bio-armed weapon that is highly detrimental to the environment and people around them. Fall-out symptoms include intense migraines, exhaustion, nausea, depression, heaviness, eye pain, teeth pain, weakened immune system, extreme debilitation, magnetic adherence, enhanced electro-magnetic sensitivity. These frequencies are a massive support in maintaining one’s own energetic and emotional integrity and wellbeing, sustaining higher consciousness, maintaining strong fields in the face of the bio-weapon and being able to handle and thrive the challenges of this war.
✓ Curse of Jerusalem
Maybe the most pivotal and incredibly fundamental, is to clear The Curse of Jerusalem. This is explained in the following video excerpt with Sacha Stone. The main reason the shift many of us have been waiting for and working so hard towards is taking so long is that The Curse of Jerusalem is holding in place a mammoth and all-reaching dark spell, which requires the attention and intention of as many of was as possible to clear it as soon as powerfully and finally as possible. The Curse of Jerusalem clearing protocol which Sacha was unable to transmit in April, is followed by a powerful clearing and radical video sound and light emanation that transforms the curse that is affecting all humanity and the earth in this video: Divine Goddess Message & Transmission 10/1/2022.
DR. SWAN’S AVAILABLE LIBRARIES {prices on request}:
✓ Vacc healing and protection protocols
(Swan has divined and programmed the most up-to-date and comprehensive protocols and health product frequency codes - approximately 80 physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic impulses - for full protection against the negative fall-out of vaccinated people, energies, and residue that is polluting the etheric field and bodies of people, places and animals. Whether you know you are being affected by the vaccine frequencies or not, they are pernicious and highly detrimental.)
✓ Morning Quick Fix
(A library you can run first thing in the morning whilst you shower, meditate, breakfast and prepare for your day to give you an instant high-vibe start - approximately 66 frequencies for physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic acceleration and wellbeing)
✓ Vibrancy and Bliss
(Approximately 69 frequencies to get all levels of your being vibrating high and feeling amazing)
✓ Rapid Energy Booster
(Approximately 22 frequencies to give you a rapid influx of rocket fuel to get your firing on all cylinders)
✓ Moola Manifestor {recommended in combination with Beyond Limitations}
(Positive frequency vibrations to accelerate and enhance abundance)
✓ Metaphysical Healing Practices
Swan’s own metaphysical healing practices and discoveries for advanced spiritual, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic transformation and ascension advancement)
✓ Chemtrail clearing protocols
Clearing the negative effects and nano-particles from chemtrails n the air, food and water)
✓ Beyond Limitations
(Moving beyond old limitations, freeing up higher knowing, consciousness and potential)
✓ Health Boosters
(The frequencies of the best and most up-to-date health products on the market encoded into your system for optimum health)
✓ Other Lives’ Healing
(As we advance in the ascension process we become more and more connected to our infinite consciousness which involves other lives in other times and spaces, parallel lives and universes. Speicifying and discerning which lives are relevant for healing and transformation at any time is part of the process of making conscious what needs clearing and the bio-feedback sends the healing transmissions necessary to clear these)
✓ Shitty Committee Clearing
(Clearing the negative thoughtforms, drunk monkeys and shitty projections, cultural ideas programmes and conditionings that can block and hold us back)
✓ Trauma Clearing
(Trauma often leaves lasting wounds and can damage the Dna. These frequencies clear specific kinds of trauma - xxx frequencies)
✓ Ancestral Healing
(Clearing the patterns of ancestors, step families and spouse family energies, constellations, dramas and patterns)
✓ House Clearing
A 4 step protocol for clearing different grid levels and energetic interferences, past and present, from home and environment - can be used on car and belongings too)
Available with the app (a few of the many available libraries):
✓ Colds/flu frequencies
✓ Food allergy testing
✓ Harmonising relationships issues
✓ Home clearing
✓ Men’s/Women’s health frequencies
✓ Money magnetising program
✓ Muscle re-education
✓ Pain management
✓ Prevention and reversal of degenerative diseases
✓ Sleep better
✓ Sports recovery and enhancement
✓ Emf clearing and protection
✓ Weight loss
✓ Addiction
✓ Weight loss
✓ Water harmonising
✓ Emotional wounds and challenges
✓ Rife app
And many more………..
By referral only, get your free 15 day trial here:
{N.B. you must use this link to be connected to Dr. Swan so she can send you your libraries and put Dr. Swan as referrer}
All matter, in your body mind and soul, as well as the earth, towns, places and other people, vibrates at its own specific and unique frequency resulting from electric charges of the particles at the atomic level. The quantum level electromagnetic fields of the human body, including the conscious and subconscious energy forces, can be measured and are proven to be beyond known physical experience of the human body.
This Biofeedback system sends vibrations out into subspace to locate your personal pattern and vibration. What makes this system unique and powerful is the connection that is made between the device, and your subconscious which is aware of everything within your body at that point in time. The subconscious has access to the history of trauma within your body. The frequencies are encoded to re-programme all levels of your being by speaking to your higher quantum consciousness.
When you order the Bio-feedback app, Dr. Swan will gift you two libraries that will greatly assist you to keep your vibrational frequencies high and your consciousness and energy clear of the negative frequencies that are so prevalent at this time.
By referral only!
Get your free 15 day trial here:
{N.B. you must use this link to be connected to Dr. Swan so she can send you your libraries and put Dr. Swan as referrer}

Dr. Swan is a Faculty Senior Advisor at the School of Consciousness & Spirituality of the NewEarth University.
NewEarth University, NewEarth project and International Tribunal for Natural Justice were founded by Sacha Stone.
NewEarth University (NEU) is the worldwide paradigm-shifting learning community of the NewEarth Project, which unites ancient wisdom with full-spectrum breakthrough technologies and innovations from leading experts in their field – visionaries and pioneers sharing an array of talent and gifts, so that together we fully manifest a peaceful new earth.
Plentiful free resources of Swan's and many other luminaries, teachers and healers.
....falling in love with yourself again - sometimes love passes through a single thread.
....rinnamorarsi di se stesse.
L amore a volte passa attraverso un filo.

Toni Dicks Wellness

Toni and her team offer simple, practical and holistic solutions to support your health. We look initially at the body through live and dried blood microscopy: a drop of blood holds the entire informational spectrum of a person. When the blood is in balance, it means that every part of your body is working as it should. You become essentially the greatest expression of yourself.
Through Design Your Blood, our network of trusted practitioners - ranging from bioresonance and homeopathy, through to sound, osteopathy and much more - offer an integrated approach to optimum health. Our work is, in essence, frequency and vibrational-based, enabling us to empower individual clients and families, as well as give clarity to homes, well-known brands and companies.
Developed from Toni’s passion for the power and joy of sound, Tones offers clients and community immersive sound baths. Using Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls, these therapeutic tones are uplifting and nourishing - heard by the ear and felt in the body. Simply switch off, open your mind, and for a beautiful transformative experience.
Zeolites have a unique capability to bind heavy metals and environmental toxins which have been historically used as digestive aids which are specific to the gut. Derived from Nature created natural crenoptoliate which acts as an amazing cleaning filter.
Clayton had 16 years working with powder suspensions, ironised powder to put in water, and has now created 100 steps further than these with nano micro sized crystalline fragments in solution that is permeable to very part of the body from head to toes.
People raving about their incredible and rapid health results after using Clean Slate and Zero-In for just a short time, as well as the amazing level of mental clarity and physical energy they are experience. With accelerated recoveries from all kinds of diseases, including strokes and heart attacks, Alzheimer's, sport's injuries, Chronic Fatigue, diabetes, psoriasis and eczema, fibromyalgia and many others, Root users are on fire with excitement about the benefits of these amazing products.

Clayton Thomas, founder of Roots, was one of founding distributors of Waiora with whom he was involved for years - he left to found his own superior products because they changed theirs and he knew it wasn’t good enough.
He has perfected a means of creating a formula that cleans up the body, works systemically and creates outcomes we haven’t seen before using nature and zeolites.
Disegni Guidati dal Signore
Automatic Drawing
Laura vive in una piccola città nel sud della Sardegna. L'amore molto forte ricevuto dai suoi genitori ha guidato la sua vita da ribelle nell' adolescenza e verso la ricerca della verità, questo amore ha alimentato la sua forza di vivere in modo diverso da quello che gli altri si aspettavano da lei, ed in questo scorcio tra liti e paci interiori ha conosciuto Gesù e da quel momento in poi vive la sua spiritualità in maniera più aperta.

I suoi disegni l’accompagnano sin da bambina è un richiamo interiore che la spinge a raffigurare ciò che va oltre il visibile.. Quando disegna, Laura , non guarda il foglio, la matita si muove automaticamente, riuscendo così a rappresentare delle immagini che trasmettono un messaggio a volte per lei e a volte per chi le sta vicino . I disegni vengono da lei ma è come se non le appartenessero, come se qualcuno o qualcosa usasse la sua mano. Laura riceve una trasmissione per chi sta disegnando, questi disegni contengono messaggi di una profondità spirituale enorme.
Oggi si ha l'opportunità di aprirsi a chi volesse attingere da questi suoi attimi di sensibilità artistica.

Il tuo disegno verra' inviato per email, con qualsiasi messaggio ricevuto da Lauretta per te. Eventualmente sarebbe possible avere una consultazione al telefono per approfondire i messaggi.
Laura fa i disegni col cuore - comunque accetta offerte/donazione con gratitudine.

Orynoco Life Force Energy products assist your conscious self-development
"Orynoco research and discover new ways to support people on their conscious development journey.The Orynoco life force energy tools can be used as a bridge to move easily from matter state experiences to quantum/energetic experiences and will also support general rebalancing and well being at both physical and energetic levels.The tools can also be integrated with other popular conscious development methods.