Sacred By Swan
Dr. Swan's 30 years of healing & metaphysical expertise is now available FOR SELF-HEALING & facilitation USING quantum biofeedback freQuencies
To purchase please view the genius shop
These powerful bio-feedback bio-resonance frequency libraries contain bio-feedback encoded frequencies as well as the wealth of proprietary knowledge Dr. Swan has developed in 30 years' experience, teaching metaphysics and facilitating the healing, awakening and transformation of thousands around the world.
These are potent ways that radically enhance the ingestion of supplements, going way beyond the physical to reinforce immune systems and build immunity, protect against the bio-weapon electro-magnetic emanations of vaccine energies, clear the frequencies, energies and toxins from you, your environment and the earth, clear the effects of chemtrails and radiation and clear and heal the underlying cause of dark control and tyranny that has been running (and ruining) our world.
Try out this incredible bio-resonance app
for a free 15 day trial!
This is your chance to fast forward your healing, transformation and ascension, assist family, friends, clients and play a vital role in the evolution and cleaning up of our earth and the astral realm around us.
The beauty of this app, unlike many others, is that it can be used offline.
By referral only,
gain access to the free 15-day trial
Dr. Swan is offering these
comprehensive, quantum bio-feedback libraries
designed for the challenges of our time,
as a gift to humanity and the world - Free or incredibly cheap for a wealth of proprietary metaphysical knowledge and expertise you can run on your own bio-resonance, bio-feedback app, on your phone or tablet, offline!
Whether you are a facilitator who would like to radically increase the potency and benefits of your work for clients, or would simply love to exponentially enhance your own transformation, this advanced metaphysical principles can provide enormous support for you.
Vacc Attack Healing & Protection {for toxic vibrations in the environment} &
Vacc Attack Health Boosters & Dna Upgrade {for those who have been inoculated, family members, animals, or those close to them who are being affected by fallout, spike proteins, negative energetic emanations or who merely wish to boost their immune systems and consciousness against the psycho-energetic frequencies.
Covid Bio-Weapon Healing, Clearing & Immune Support - health boosting and protection against Covid and other new or manufactured illnesses, with physical, emotional, spiritual and mental support.
C.O.J. - The Curse of Jerusalem is affecting all humanity and the earth and is one of the main underlying causes of how dark agendas have taken such steadfast and deep control. Clearing this will create a massive positive shift for the world.
Chemtrail Clearing + Radiation - clearing heavy metals, toxins, diseases like Lyme, fungi and other problems as a result of chemtrailing and geo-engineering, radiation, polluted food, air, food and water (Even organic food is contaminated).
(limited time offer! Reduced from $66 for theses significant time)
Earth Clearing - clearing effects of all of the above from the earth and your environment.
Includes 4 Libraries:
The 5 Elements: Air, Fire Water, Earth & Ether
Dark Invasion Clearing
Earth Energies Recalibrated
Earth Vibrancy & Health
(limited time offer! Reduced from $120 for theses significant time)
Video clip explanations for each library coming soon!
Full Video outline/info on
The Curse of Jerusalem, Interview with Sacha Stone
To access the app, click below:
(N.B. by referral only. Ensure you put Dr. Swan in referral box
so we know where to send your free libraries!)
As a Genius practitioner, benefit from being included regular Prayer, Blessing or Healing sessions run by all Genius members of the circle, as well as daily by Dr. Swan.
For clients, family members or friends, benefit from receiving regular Prayer, Blessing or Healing frequencies run daily by Dr. Swan.
Join the Bio-Feedback Practitioners' Prayer Circle
Join the Bio-Feedback Practitioners' Healing Circle
Join the Bio-Feedback Practitioners' Blessings Circle
Friends & Clients of Genius Practitioners, join Dr. Swan's Prayer, Blessings or Healing Circle
More of Dr. Swan's metaphysical bio-feedback libraries
17 Christess Chakra Crystals
Recalibration and alignment for the 17 chakras that make up the energy chakra system of the Divine Human and properly align you to the Divine Feminine of the new era into which we are moving.
Ancestral systems clearing
The spectrum of typical family constellations energetics, family patterns and dramas, inherited or re-cycled programmes through generations and other lives. (40 codes).
Endocrine Metaphysics
Reprogramming and rebalancing, centring and recalibrating and realigning the endocrine system, upgrading the glands and spiritual-emotional-physical-energetic function.
Metaphysical Healing Practices
Healing, clearing and evolving body and soul consciousness, elevating states of psychic, spiritual, energetic and subtle body awareness. Dr. Swan's expertise of the causes of dis-ease, encoded into bio-feedback frequencies you can use to accelerate exponentially your evolution.
Prosperity Pack
Invest in success. A series of libraries designed to increase wealth and abundance. From the metaphysical aspects of wealth to the financial and practical aspects of wealth this package may help to provide much needed prosperity for you and your clients.
24 hour Rhythmic Flow Bundle
Includes these four libraries
1. Morning Quick Fix
A programme you can activate in a few seconds to get yourself up and running, balanced, centred and aligned.
2. Daytime Fab Flow
physical emotional mental and spiritual codes to flow through the day with inspiration balance and harmony, feeling uplifted and inspired.
3. Evening Relax Pack
Calm and peaceful mind releasing the stress from the day and having a rebalanced body mind and soul. Preparing for a restful positive evening.
4. Night time rest and relaxation
Run during the night for transformation and manifestation, health regeneration during rest and peaceful sleep.
Rapid Energy Booster
Brain activation and codes for a quick energy injection and positive uplift.
Reversing the Body Clock, cellular age reprogramming for Mind Body Soul Rejuvenation
The principles of rejuvenation plus libraries for head and face, upper torso and arms, lower body and legs.
Shitty Committee Clearing
Transformation and clearing of cultural, familial and societal projections, beliefs, thoughtform and limitations you have taken on.
Stress S.O.S
Two libraries: Re-calibrating Stress for complete relaxation.
Turbo health booster
A selection of the best health products and protocols to turbo boost your physical wellbeing.
Trauma Healing
Assistance in healing a broad collection of traumas and archetypal situations.
Vibrancy & Bliss
A library of spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and energetic frequencies to uplift, energise and inspire, filling you with blissful feelings and vibrating high.